
An inspired life is a beautiful life. It is a life of positivity, dreams, goals, intentions, and what moves your soul.
It will change you. It will change your whole life. It may even change the lives of those around you. Inspiration in our lives is that powerful.
30 Days of Inspiration is a 30 day challenge created to make our life more beautiful. We have a choice every day on where we want to place our focus. Be intentional about this. Live life on purpose. 30 Days of Inspiration will help you to make this a priority in your life…to light your path…to show you the way.
This 30 day challenge is the perfect way to start an inspirational journal. An inspirational journal is different from a journal-by-the-date type of journal. With this type of journal, your pages will be worked on along and along over time and not in any particular order. Your inspirational journal pages will grow and even evolve, as you do. And some may even be filed away because you have moved on to a different place. As you grow and change, so will your journal pages.
If you want to begin an inspirational journal to inspire you and keep you focused, this 30 day challenge is a great way to just jump in and just do it. Stop putting it off. Do it today. Begin your journal by starting with these 30 pages. If you have ideas to include on that page, go with it, but even if you don’t right now, get the page started. It will serve as a reminder to focus on that area and to have a place for it. But if you can, at least jot down some thoughts and inspiration for the page. This 30 day challenge will get some of your important journal pages started.
Do not worry about making your first pages perfect. As discussed here, you will see that these are the perfect journal pages for redoing or recreating. It cements it more inside of you each time you write it down. There is power in writing it down. This makes it a perfect journal for those, like myself, who struggle with the permanency of a created page.
I have specifically chosen these prompts for pages to help you create a journal that is inspirational. A journal that will move you. Change you. Create you…to be the person you were meant to be.
If you really feel moved to use another prompt or make a different page, by all means, feel free to do so. This is YOUR journal. Write what moves YOU. Want to choose from other inspirational prompts? More inspirational prompts here: Journal Prompts for an Inspirational Journal. I have included a blank 30 day challenge if you want to choose your own prompts.
This could be the most life-challenging 30 day challenge you will ever do. Ever. This will move your soul. And it will get you in a completely different had space.
Update: The part below was added almost 5 years after I wrote this. At the time I wrote this, I couldn’t even talk about my story. I was too busy surviving it. And talking about it was just reliving it. All I could do at the time was focus on making sure I survived this. But I thought it was important to add now if it could encourage someone that their story isn’t too hard. It can still be OK. And even beautiful. And yes, I’m still on the journey. We are still living a hard story, but we’re OK…even better than a lot of people without it. It’s crazy what some people think is a bad day. It’s crazy what I used to think was a bad day. My perspective is so different now. I wonder, though, how much better my life would have been had I got that perspective while things weren’t so bad. We waste a lot of time thinking the wrong way. So here’s the whole story…
These are the things I did when I went through one of the hardest times of my life and was barely functioning. That isn’t an exaggeration either. My husband was diagnosed with Huntington’s Disease. It’s worse than a death sentence, even though it is that. But it is a “your life will be 20+ years of the worst hell you could imagine first, then they die” kind of diagnosis. It has been described as the worst disease known to mankind. It is like a combination of ALL the major players…ALS, Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s, and a little psychosis just for fun. It is not uncommon those who suffer with it to commit suicide. It is not uncommon for caregivers either. We lost two caregivers in one week.
My to do list said…
One moment at time.
Just breathe.
And those were not just cliches I was saying. That was basic survival 101. I had to start where I was. Then I slowly began to do the things on this list and God began putting me back together.
So no matter where you are right now, and if you might be thinking this won’t work for you, that what you’re going through is too hard. I get you. I really do. But I’m proof that if you show up and do this challenge and do the other things on this blog, you might be surprised at how much you change. It’s a process.
This blog is all about the things we can do that will create a beautiful life and help us to thrive even in the midst of the hard stuff. This blog isn’t about someone with a perfect life telling you how easy it is. This blog is about someone with a really hard story telling you it’s still possible no matter what.
30 Days of Inspiration – 30 Day Inspirational Journal Challenge
30 Day Challenge – Inspirational Journal – 30 Days of Inspiration
30 Day Challenge – Inspirational Journal – Blank
Other journal articles…
Journal Ideas: Creative Journal Keepsakes
Be Inspired: Create Your Own Inspirational Journal
Journal Tips for an Inspiring and Creative Journal
Journal Prompts for an Inspirational Journal
This is lovely. I may participate but I may keep this for my own personal growth and development.
Thank you so much for sharing this lovely list of prompts.
Wishing you a wonderful day.
Oh, I hope you do, Jennifer! And, yes, definitely keep your pages private, or at least most of them. If I create an art journal page with a quote or something, I will share that, but I will be keeping most of mine private. I believe that is an important part of the process, having the freedom to go deep and say it out loud to ourselves. As I work on mine, I will probably be adding some more prompts. I just got some special paper I ordered today, so I will be writing some of mine over on that. I am loving this paper. It feels almost silky. I need to start a resource page for things I use. Some are just too yummy not to share with everyone. The thing I love most about this journal is that it is not a journal you write in it, and when it is full, you put it away and start a new one. This is a journal that is always part of your life as you grow and become who you were created to be. Love. That. xo