Beautiful lives don’t just happen. We create them. -Topaz

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Be Brave… Let the Words Fall Out

Say what you wanna say
And let the words fall out
Honestly I wanna see you be brave
With what you want to say
And let the words fall out
Honestly I wanna see you be brave
– Sara Bareilles (Brave)

And so I did.

I started writing a book this week. I finally did it. I started writing the book that I have been saying I wanted to write for a couple of years now. It has evolved from what it originally was, but that only means there might be a second book somewhere out there. We’ll see. Let’s just get this one finished first.

This took an amazing amount of courage. Having been a photographer, I do understand what it feels like to put your heART out there, but to put your words out there…in a book…is a whole other level of making yourself vulnerable. I am trying to live more bravely and adventurously. Does this count? Please let this count. Because this was harder than you would think. Oh, the mental discussions I have had with myself. Self-talk is not always pretty.

This is a little scary. What if it’s not any good? What if no one likes it? What if I am not able to take the criticism? I’ve seen the reviews on book sites. People can be harsh.

Do we all have those same voices and doubts, or is this just me?

But what if it is a book that can help and inspire others? What if I have something to say that people want to hear? What if I come from a place where I can connect with others, because I am just a regular person like everyone else. My life has been far from charmed at times, but we can all still show up and be the magic in our own lives, not matter what our story.

Isn’t the most important thing of all to show up? To bring all of our awesomesauce?

We all want someone to connect with and like us, and we worry that they won’t. But what if they do? What if they do? What if it is the door to the person we were created to be? What if it is the thing that will connect us to others on the same journey? What if this book is the vessel by which we will all meet?

What if You Fly | Read more:

There is freedom waiting for you
On the breezes of the sky,
And you ask, “What if I fall?”
Oh, but my darling,
What if you fly?

~Erin Hanson

What if I am really afraid of success more than failure? Nope, I’m pretty sure that it’s failing that terrifies the beejebus out of me. Hmmm…beejebus may or may not be spelled correctly. Of course, it may or may not even be word.

Be Brave and Show Up | Read more... artofabeautifullife.comBut I am writing in spite of all the voices. I am writing even though I am afraid. I am writing the book I wanted to read. I am writing the words I needed to hear. And I want to share it with others just in case there might be something in my words that someone else will need to hear or something that will connect us on this journey we are on. Aren’t we all on this journey together to share and to help each other?

So this is me leaping, being brave.

“The jump is so frightening between where I am and where I want to be…because of all I may become I will close my eyes and leap!” – Mary Anne Radmacher

If anyone else out there is writing a book and wants a book buddy, give me a shout. We can be in the arena together and keep each other motivated to the finish line.

But whether you are writing a book or not, let’s be in this together. Share the brave thing in your life that you are doing? What leap are you taking? We’ll be leaping buddies. Isn’t life so much better with a buddy?

Writing on the wall of life,

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Beautiful lives don't just happen. We create them. ~Topaz
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14 thoughts on “Be Brave… Let the Words Fall Out”

  1. Yes!!!! Good for you!! You are DOING it! You will get there! They always say the most important part of writing a book is literally just sitting down and WRITING IT. Don’t go back over it 100 times – just steam ahead! You’ve got this! So excited for you!

  2. Oh my goodness! THANK YOU for the encouragement! Great advice, too. I keep reminding myself…this is just the FIRST draft. It’s OK if it’s not perfect right now. I am just really glad we do not have to do this on typewriters…or worse…write it by hand. We live in a pretty amazing age. It’s wonderful to meet you, Jen! xo ~Topaz

  3. What a wonderful post. Yes, I think we all have the self-talk conversation and no they are not always pretty. In fact, most times we are our harshest critiques. Yet I love that you keep saying you are still writing. That is definitely key. I think you do have a message and it does need to be heard. So do that. Keep writing. I can’t wait to read the book you have inside…

    • Hi Tiffany! You are absolutely write…we can be our harshest critics. We would all do better to be a little kinder to ourselves, that is for sure. Thank you so much for the kind encouragement!

      xo ~Topaz

  4. Keep going!! I love that quote about What if you fly! It is beautiful. Remember, perfection is not necessary, just the fact that you are trying is most important. This was beautiful. I can imagine what you are writing is as well!!

    • Thank you, Elizabeth! The encouragement means so much.

      Isn’t that quote beautiful? A friend posted that on facebook the day I wrote this and published it. It was PERFECT for this post!

      xo ~Topaz

  5. Good for you Topaz!

    I have been wanting to write a book for a while now. I took up your writing challenge and I’m doing 500 words a day. Not every day is going into the book… but that’s okay.

    I think fear of failing and rejection keeps me from pushing for my goals. I never used to be that way but I’ve been feeling like this for the past couple of years. Thank you for the inspiration to take steps… nothing will happen if I never act. Now is the time.

    Thanks once again.

    • I remember that you mentioned something about writing a book, Jennifer! Good for you starting it! And YAY that you are doing the 30 day challenge! I am, too. I am back and forth between the blog and the book. It feels really good to have started it. We have both taken a BIG step! Good for us! We are rock stars! Ha ha!

      You are going to love a post I just finished. It’s about fear. I haven’t always been like that either. But I am finding the brave me again. With each new challenge I take, I am getting stronger and braver. We have some serious momentum going with the exercise and this! Look at us go!

      I’m looking forward to reading your book! See….you’ve sold one already. 🙂

      xo ~Topaz

  6. WOO-HOO!!! Awesome sauce with sprinkles is in the house!

    Way to go, Topaz. The beginning is the hardest part of the journey. The rest is all about passion and momentum.

    I speak from experience. I just finished the first draft of my book, very recently. Once I dared to begin, my passion took over and I built up momentum, and the words just poured out of me. I know the same will happen for you.

    Bravo for daring to begin.

    • Oh, good for you, Lee! Congratulations! I bet that feels amazing to have finished the first draft! You must be over the moon! I’m looking forward to that day! Thank you so much for the sweet encouragement!

  7. Hi Topaz,
    My motto has always been “live a beautiful life by being beautiful in it” Your website is so encouraging and has motivated me so much more. I have all these thoughts swishing around in my mind and have this insane desire to write about it, so started writing my book, and honestly speaking I am nervous, scared that people will think I have nothing to say or nothing they want to hear, but I know its not the case, so here goes..

    • What a beautiful motto, Marcelle! I love people who think this way!

      That’s so sweet. I’m so glad you found encouragement and motivation here. That made my day. Good for you starting your book! I know. It feels scary and vulnerable. Feelings can lie. It might be the most amazing thing you have ever done.

      “Oh, but my darling,
      What if you fly?”
      -Erin Hanson

      “What if I am able to do more than I ever dreamed possible?”

      Keep me posted on your book, Marcelle! Do you have a blog? I would love to visit it if you have one.

      • Hi Topaz,

        Thank you for the encouragement. I am loving the writing. Its so much easier to express on paper than verbally. I am in the process of starting a blog so will keep you posted and would enjoy a visit from you.
        Have a super weekend.

        • I agree. Sometimes I am not sure what I think until I write. Definitely keep me posted on your blog. I would love to visit you when you get it up and going.
          xo ~Topaz

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