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52 Things: A Simple Way to Create a Beautiful Space – Bathroom Declutter Challenge (May)

The Bathroom Declutter Challenge…

Home Declutter Challenge

This will probably be one of our easier months. I don’t know about you, but I sure could use a little break after the kitchen challenge…and the closet challenge, which if I am going to be absolutely honest, I am STILL working on. But we get a little reprieve this month. Bathrooms tend to be a little easier, because we just do not spend enough time in them for them to get too out of control, plus they are much smaller than our other rooms.

Since everyone has a different number of bathrooms, and since most of us do not have four bathrooms, we will take one thing a week and do it in each bathroom.

Week 1…
Go through the medicine cabinet. Throw out old items and items you do not use. Clear up some space for things you might have on the counter.

Week 2…
Go through the cabinet under the sink. Use containers for items you need to give you more space. Throw out things that are old or that you no longer need.

Week 3…
Clear off your counter as much as you can. I know. This is hard. Some things just work better on the counter, but look closely to see if some things can be moved to their own special place, preferably out of sight. A new cabinet, basket or stand could be added to help with this. We just want a bathroom that is easy to clean and looks pretty. So if it HAS to be out on the counter, let’s at least pretty it up if we can. This is a good time to make sure the floors are clear, too. The clearer we have ours space, the easier it is to clean and find things.

Week 4…
Pretty it up. Add air ferns, and flameless candles. Warm up the lighting (use dimmers, lamps, and soft pink light bulbs), add scents, and pictures or art work for your wall. Keep it simple, but remember, the little details say a lot about our space.

30 Day Declutter Challenge | Surround yourself with beauty because your house should rise up and meet you every day. ~Oprah | Free, Printable Download

Download the free, printable bathroom declutter challenge!


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