Beautiful lives don’t just happen. We create them. -Topaz

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Hi! Thanks so much for your purchase! I hope to get some quick videos out soon, but until then, I want to go over a few things with you. I’ll probably add to this as we go, so be sure to check back for new information I might add.

This is a simple Google Sheets Workbook. It is a spreadsheet. This is what enables it to do our tracking automatically for us. I chose to do this in a Google Spreadsheet, because it was something free most people already had access to on their Google Drive. If there is an interest, I may also look into doing these with Excel.

I hope you love this system as much as I do.

There is something COMPELLING about measuring, tracking, and accountability. Throw in a completion date, and you’ve got yourself a PLAN!

Stretch yourself. But give yourself some attainable goals, especially in the beginning and if you’re having trouble feeling positive about getting results. Goals can be changed at any point in the game. We can always move them further out if we are hitting them easily. If we set them too high, and we’re not feeling confident about succeeding in general, it might be helpful to set smaller, more attainable goals as you build your confidence. But if you have the confidence to go for it, you do it!

General instructions…
I won’t try and reinvent the wheel here. Google has provided an excellent Help section for basic things you will need to know. Please see there extensive Google Sheets Help Section HERE.

If you are unfamiliar with Google Sheets, you’ll want to know basic things like how to insert a row, change your font size, etc. Text can be highlighted or made bold or alignment changed to help you customize your own information visually.

The one thing particular with these sheets that you will want to pay special attention to is…
Do NOT edit or type in any cells with a blue or green background. The formulas are in these cells. If you edit them, it will break your sheet. If you accidentally do this, just click the undo arrow at the top after you click enter.  Only click Undo one time.

If you get a message that prompts you that are about to edit a protected area, click cancel and step away from the sheet. If you hit ok and edit a protected cell, it will break your sheet. These are the formulas that automatically calculate the numbers to track your progress. I’ve added an extra layer of protection to give you a warning first, but this is only on the original sheets. If for any reason you need to duplicate a sheet, you will not get this sweet warning. It will just mess you up. Again, though, it’s fixable. Don’t panic. If it happens, just click UNDO ASAP after you click enter. That should fix it. You can always download an original copy again.

Please contact me if you have any questions: Contact Topaz;

Enjoy! And here’s to all our dreams coming true!


30 Day Challenge Tracker


How it works…
This is such a powerful 30 day challenge tracker. You can use it to track anything you want. Download multiple copies and set up multiple 30 day challenges. It will calculate your progress each day, plus it will calculate your end progress and whether you met your goal, or how close you got. Sometimes we can feel like we fail if we miss a day, or miss our mark by a little, but this still gives you credit for all your hard work, while compelling you to do it.

Step 1:
Add your goal.

Step 2:
Add your start date.

Step 3:
Check which type of challenge you are doing, so it will know how to calculate if you met your goal
A: Fixed goal that is the same each day. For example, you want to do 10,000 steps each day for 30 days.
B: A goal that gradually increases to an end goal number. In this case, you would gradually increase your daily goal in column B until you reach your end goal of 10,000 steps.

Step 4:
Put your goal for each day in column “B” for days 1-30. It could be the same number each day, like if you wanted to do 10k steps each day for 30 days. Or you could work up to 10k steps by setting your daily goal gradually increasing until you get to 10k by the end of the 30 days.

That’s it! You’re all set up and ready to start!
Then each day put your number in the “Actual” cell for that day. The sheet does everything else! It will tell you how you did that day! And at the end of the month, it will tell you how many days you met your daily goal. It will tell you if you met your daily goal or if you met your end goal, all depending on how you told it you wanted to calculate your results. How cool is that!

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