I love to write. I always have. That is one of the earliest memories my mom would tell you about me. I was always writing. Ever since I can remember, I have been in love with the written word and the power it holds. I remember when a young military wife who lived across the street taught me to read my first words. I was hooked. This magical place had been unlocked for me. It was a world in which I could not wait to immerse myself and know more.
But even with my love of the written word, I do not always find as much time as I would like in the busyness of life to do what I love…reading, writing, photography, and art. I did a reading challenge earlier this year, 1000 Pages in 30 Days Challenge, and it showed me that it is more possible than I realized to make that time when I make something a priority. And after doing the 1000 pages in 30 days reading challenge, a book a month now seems easy.
But the most important thing is to set yourself a goal, challenge yourself to do what you really want to do. Life is too fleeting to let it pass by and not sing the song in our soul.
So, with that in mind, I decided to do a 30 Day Writing Challenge. I am going to do a 500 word a day for my 30 Day Writing Challenge. I know some days I will do more than that, but the main thing I want to do is work the writing muscle and develop self-discipline with doing it daily. I tend to write in chunks, but I want to get better about doing it daily. This is going to be a great exercise for me in quieting my mind and finding those sacred moments to write when everything else is screaming for my attention. I did it with the reading. I am anxious to do this now with writing.
I also made a “1000 Words a Day” 30 Day Writing Challenge for those of you who want a little more of a challenge, or for those of you who want to get serious about that book you have always wanted to write. In 30 days you would have almost half a book. We do not realize just how much our words add up. That is another great thing about the 30 day writing challenge. It includes your total words. I am the person who likes to check things off, and adding a total column feels the same way. I like to see how much I have done. This pushes me, so I added it for everyone else. If you do not want to use the columns for the totals, you can just leave them blank or draw a line through them.
How will you use the 30 day writing challenge? What will you write about? Will you do the 500 words or 1000 words? Will you be writing for your blog or a book?
Choose your 30 Day Writing Challenge…
30 Day Writing Challenge: 500 Words a Day
30 Day Writing Challenge: 1000 Words a Day
I know I’ve commented before on one of your challenges, that I should partake… but I still haven’t. I have been tossing around a book idea for a while. I should really try this and see what I can bang out over 30 days.
Thanks for sharing!
Wishing you a lovely day.
No way! That is why I am doing it. I have been toying around with writing a book for a couple of years now. We should be book buddies and help motivate each other, kind of like fitbit for writers. Ha ha! I think I skipped doing a challenge last month, but I am doing the writing challenge now. How fun to have a friend writing a book at the same time! This just made my day!
so grateful i found this page…. im on a healing journey… long way to go… i can tell your page is going to help me so much.
I’m so glad you are here, Bunny. It’s wonderful to meet you. There are many of us on a healing journey. Please be sure to comment from time to time and say hello. So many great things happen in the comments as we all connect and get to know each other. Thanks again for stopping by and saying hello. 🙂